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Why when selecting “Functionality” cookies, the “Essential” cookies are also accepted?

The Cookie Groups for Ultimate GDPR & CCPA are cookie levels, where you would need to pass level 1 to get to level 2. These levels have cookies that are set in them and when you pass to another level, these cookies will also remain.


The Cookie Privacy Setting / Trigger will show when Use advanced cookie groups popup is activated in Ultimate GDPR & CCPA > Cookie Consent > Advance settings tab.
Advanced cookie groups popup setting

We believe that this more intuitive and easier manageable for customers, when they don’t need to investigate every single cookie’s purpose from each group, but have simple choice between Level 1, 2, 3, or 4 of tracking, where they need to just decide whether they would allow more advanced tracking or just the necessary information.

Please note that all information within every cookie group can be edited and each group can be easily disabled. More information about cookies groups can be found in GDPR Documentation.