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Cookie notice is always visible, even after clicking “accept” button

There are many factors that may affect the cookie consent from always showing.

These are some of the reasons why this happens:

  • In most cases this is due to a caching plugin / caching module enabled in the server. Currently, we have integration on most popular cache plugin (like WP Rocket Plugin). If you are using a caching plugin that is not integrated, the solution might be:

    1. Go to the Caching Plugin’s settings and search for the option to “allow cookies”.
    2. Add “ct-ultimate-gdpr-cookie” to allow GDPR cookies.
  • Option in Ultimate GDPR & CCPA > Cookie Consent > Advanced settings – ‘Show advanced cookie popup always, even when the consent is given’ is enabled. This will show the trigger for the Cookie Advance Settings.

  • Your server is running with old PHP version (<PHP 5.6) which causing the script to fail. Upgrading the server’s PHP version will make the site secure and advanced.

    • To check what the PHP Version of the server, read this page: LINK
    • To update the PHP Version of the server, read this page: LINK
  • There are javascript errors on your site (caused by other plugins/theme) which are causing the conflict.